Make Sure is Emerald Really For You

Negative effects of emerald: Who should not wear emerald gemstone Emerald Stone is a highly beneficial stone that helps to boost your creativity and other skills. It is also known to help you improve your memory and cognition. Emeralds also contribute to earning more fame. The stone will help you do wonders if it suits you; on the other hand, if you wear it without proper consultation, it can have negative consequences on your life. Who should not wear emeralds? The emerald gemstone is beneficial for people who have Mercury as their ruling/prominent planet. Thus, people who have zodiac signs that are incompatible with Mercury should avoid wearing emeralds. Some zodiac signs that do not go very well with emerald are as follows: Aries: People with this sun sign have Mars as their prominent planet. Mars does not go quite well with Mercury, so these people should not use this stone unless Mercury is in the III, VII, or X house. Cancer: People with this sun sign should no...